"Dum, ways to die, so many dum ways to die." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJNR2EpS0jw and the latest version 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXZhVyYS87A So, former Haitian government official, ready to expose Clinton corruption, found dead: http://theduran.com/former-haitian-government-official-ready-to-expose-clint... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EqdA5FFpqM Yes, Hitlery Clinton's Haitian pedo network was going to be exposed, and the key leaker, of course, "mysteriously" dies. Who could possibly have predicted this? I mean, it's not like the DNC murdered Seth Rich and a dozen Clinton security guards over the years, right? There are some bloody dum people out there folks, and they need our help - at the very least, evidently, some firetrucking basic firetrucking training on HOW THE HELL TO LEAK! This is pissing me off - I mean at least Seth got his leak out before he was post-leakishly murdered, but Klaus Eberwein? Seriously spoke about his intention to leak, before actually leaking? WHAT THE FIRETRUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!?!?!?!@##!@$!@#$!@#??!!!! That is just absolutely IN-FIRETRUCKING-INSANE !!! So, fellow cypherpunkers - this is our stock in trade! AND it's our DUTY OF CARE to our fellow humans, to spread the word on BASIC LEAKING PROTOCOL. A very rough draft of possible steps to take: - NEVER talk about your leak/whistleblowing, BEFORE doing it! - Leak your leak to MULTIPLE people simultaneously if possible - either publicly, and or by anonymous post (of documents, CDs, DVDs etc). - Plant a brief tell-all in an unlikely to be read book at the back corner of a public library, and TELL A TRUSTED PERSON that "if I die, go read this book, but not before". - Quietly get up to speed with some op-sec - ask a grandchild to teach you, go to a local computer user group meeting, etc - the basics are not so hard, so LEARN THEM YOURSELF! - Do a trial run of leaking with something newsworthy but RELATIVELY INNOCUOUS. Please add, suggest "hell no!"s etc. Seriously, we are in the middle of a war, and many folks need our help and actual assistance.