On Fri, Oct 18, 2019, 01:06 John Newman <jnn@synfin.org> wrote:

> I used to read a lot of Koike & Kojima manga :)

Oh, you know I also love them, dear!

> Oda was a bloodthirsty fucker, just like all the daimyo at that period in
history. Just like all the billionaires and leaders of nations of today.

Yeah, he was a disgusting politician of his time, basically a serial killer.  He used alive persons just to test their new swords.  They should cut bones and flesh so fast and softly as possible.

I already tried 'kenjutsu' and 'kendo', John.  There are always "free teachers" for those who are able to show their soul for complete and have real discipline.  I think a training with a sword shows more about a person's character than beautiful words about honor, loyalty, respect and justice, the real pillars of the warrior in my humble opinion.  I bet you and Juan will love it.  It's deeply beautiful, I swear.

My deceased Italian fiance, my first love, was an archer.  A really good one.  But I've meet another archer much better in my own country.  And he's one of the best Brazilian security researchers.  Sounds strange, but he's so pure, so innocent and sweet...  A great and generous soul.  I wish him all the happiness of this world and he will never know it.  This little secret makes me smile when I read about him.

It's completely OT, sorry, but now I am missing some ghosts of the past.  Hope to dream a little dream about them...  Do you like Sandman?  :)

Good night, sweet dreams, and rainy kisses!  I always love sea and rain!  :D