On 08/20/2017 10:48 PM, Razer wrote:
On 08/20/2017 06:35 PM, ZeNazi wrote:
Because the only people who would really care are people with agendas, and that's the truth. Yep, the only people who really care about facts, have an agenda, so STFU about these particular facts, or face the wrath of Razer, the intellectual fraud.
Example: the only people who promulgate holocaust denial are those who have something to gain from denying it.
In part that depends on the definition of "denial." I have not made a special effort to evaluate the claims pro and con, but from what I have seen it does appear that: 1) It definitely happened, no question about that, but 2) the numbers were significantly exaggerated, even above and beyond Zionist propaganda counting /all/ the casualties as Jewish. Lots of people would call that "Holocaust Denial." It's illegal to say say those things in Germany, last I heard.
Ps. I've never claimed to be an 'intellectual'. Ever.
People call Chomsky an "intellectual" so often that I have to wonder if it's on his business card and letterhead, and the short list of branding themes his publicist carries around. I would be more likely to call Chomsky an "ideologue." Every few years Chomsky makes a cluster of widely publicized statements indicating a rational, practical understanding of political affairs. But that appears to be loss leader material aimed at attracting attention, because soon after, widely publicized straight up Party Line propaganda follows. Me: "Has Chomsky gone off the reservation?" Me one week later: "Nope, back to the same old prollfeed for self identifying Middle Class Liberals." So when Chomsky says that studies with a potential to disclose information with beneficial medical applications is "of no value," he means "of no value to my mission as a propagandist." At one time, eugenics told us all about which "races" are morally and intellectually better or worse than others, which gave a lovely veneer of Scientism to the work of violent racist political factions. In reaction against this, the behavioral and social sciences adopted an equally politicized position that all humans are born as blank slates with identical potentials in every area, period, and set about proving it to the best of their ability. Today, this seems to have mostly sorted itself, and genetics, the prenatal chemical environment, and the impact of post-natal environmental imprints and conditioned responses are all recognized as contributory factors to cognitive and behavioral traits that vary from person to person. Propagandists need all-encompassing talking points; their audiences demand instant E-Z unchanging one size fits all answers and "If I don't provide them, someone else will." Never mind the cha-ching of the cash register in the background, and the resulting inability of their indoctrinated audiences to do anything but fight among themselves as directed while their rulers make all the decisions that control their lives and destinies. So they sigh, shake their heads sorrowfully and say "Some problems won't be solved in our lifetimes," and get back to work making things worse because the mortgage doesn't pay itself. :o/