It looks roughly apparent that the angle of the curve’s tangent from the horizontal is equal to theta or t. (we guess the tangent of the circle is normal to the curve at every point :s)
I think the page says the pressure angle alpha = arccos(r_b/r) where r is the radius of the pitch circle. It also give formulas/formulae for the curve in terms of alpha.
inv alpha = tan alpha - alpha
x = r cos ( inv alpha )
y = r sin ( inv alpha )
It’s apparent sadly that r is a function of alpha or theta :/ . When plotting, they start by calculating r for each spot.
note: inv alpha means involute angle, not inverse.
This seems kind of roundabout to calculate r first without even a formula for it. I guess you could assume it starts at r_b and rises.
So your pressure angle is then defined solely by the distance between gears …?
Thinking on that idea a little. If the gears touch then the pressure angle is 0 degrees and the teeth have 0 height.
Then as the gears move apart higher teeth develop, but there would only be room for a theta of so many degrees.
So if I had say a 25% gap between gears, i could draw r from r_b to 1.125r_b and this might show the edge of a tooth. I wonder if it would work.
It seems like this would also relate with tan alpha - alpha: the involute angle, on the chart, appears to be how far around the circle the curve goes. So one can only fit on the curve as many teeth as twice the inv alpha fit on a circle.
There were 5 teeth on the gear bearing. I think. A commentor or troll also posted one with 6 teeth. Let’s assume 5. The small gears had five. The center bearing part had 10, and the outer bearing part had 20.
Let’s assume 5 teeth. What’s the maximum involute angle and pitch radius?