* historians,” Michael Best, analyst and freedom of information activist told
I like how you put "digital hero" in quotes, as if someone had said that in the article or the Kickstarter. I'm sorry I don't make sense to you, Georgi. Nevertheless, I am and I do. BTW, what is it that confuses you about someone being a geek over national security issues, and feeling that the public records he geeks out over should be available? It seems pretty straightforward to me. Then again, I **am** part of the CIA-Illuminati cabal of doom . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLH8F2xDU90 ;-) *Georgi Guninski* guninski@guninski.com <guninski%40guninski.com?Subject=Re%3A%20Publishing%20CIA%27s%20Declassified%20Vault&In-Reply-To=%3C20160202140842.GF2441%40sivokote.iziade.m%24%3E> *Tue Feb 2 09:08:42 EST 2016* On Mon, Feb 01, 2016 at 05:45:39PM -0500, Michael Best wrote: * Is this ``digital hero'' "Michael Best" the same twitter user as "natsecguy". natsecguy==National Securtiy Guy (or Girl)? "national security" and "freedom of information activist" doesn't make _any sense_ in the U$A.