Nigeria limited citizens cash withdrawals to try and force adoption of their central bank digital currency, the eNaira. https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2023/02/24/why-nigerians-arent-turning-to-th... Thankfully Nigerians protested and eNaira adoption still remains low. GovBankCorp and Globalists are trying extremely hard and with treachery to force certain countries to be the first false flag bogus adopter exemplar of CBDC so they can point to it as unfallible advertising to roll it out globally. Do NOT EVER accept ANY CBDC. GovBankCorp Fiat has been weaponized against you, the proof is all over even mainstream news channels. Your freedom now literally depends on development and use of non-GovBankCorp distributed private p2p crypto cash, gold, and loud political fight back.