140 Highlights to BY ELECTRONICMAIL Jorge Dopico,Esq. Chief Attorney Attorney Grievance Committee Supreme Court, Appellate Division First Judicial Department 180 Maiden Lane, 17th Floor <https://www.google.com/maps/search/180+Maiden+Lane,+17th+Floor%0D%0A+New+York,+New+York+10038?entry=gmail&source=g> New York, New York 10038 <https://www.google.com/maps/search/180+Maiden+Lane,+17th+Floor%0D%0A+New+York,+New+York+10038?entry=gmail&source=g> AD1-AGC-newcomplaints@nycourts.gov RE: Complaint by Former Governor Andrew M. Cuomo Against Attorney General Letitia Ann James, Joon Kim, Esq., and Anne Clark, Esq. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EOzEmOpxCBNfThWYqPPDaV0evqGFVFTd/view?usp=d... A. INTRODUCTION. I am the 56th Governor of the State of New York and write to bring to the Attorney Grievance Committee’s (“Committee”)attention certain professional misconduct by New York Attorney General LetitiaAnn James (“AGJames” or the “Attorney General”),and two Special Deputies to the First Deputy Attorney General appointed by AG James, Joon Kim, Esq., and Anne Clark, Esq., to assist in an investigationof allegations of sexual harassment against me.1 The Complaint arises from the Office of the Attorney General’sinvestigationand related August 3, 2021“Report of InvestigationIntoAllegationsof Sexual HarassmentBy GovernorAndrewM. Cuomo” (the “Report”). A copy of the Report is attachedhereto as “ExhibitA.”