On 8/3/21, professor rat <pro2rat@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
https://twitter.com/rechelon/status/1422366853289086977 "... watch the new season of ‘Lara Logan Has No Agenda’ on Fox Nation - starting July 11th. Jacob Appelbaum ..."
https://www.foxnews.com/media/lara-logan-sounds-alarm-government-surveillanc... https://video.foxnews.com/v/6263745634001 https://video.foxnews.com/v/6263577656001 https://twitter.com/foxnation/status/1415709477068840966 "@laralogan explores the blurred relationship between the U.S. government and Big Tech. Is there any aspect of your privacy that hasn't been invaded by the two? Watch the newest season of 'Lara Logan Has No Agenda: Big Tech, Big Brother' now on Fox Nation. https://bit.ly/3kAqd9x https://nation.foxnews.com/lara-logan-has-no-agenda/ " https://twitter.com/laralogan/status/1411853128178319360 "For more on Jacob Appelbaum - an extraordinary mind and great American - watch the new season of 'Lara Logan Has No Agenda' on Fox Nation - starting July 11th. Jacob Appelbaum character assassination was pushed from the White House https://debian.community/jacob-appelbaum-character-assassination-pushed-from... " Jacob is a human being and has, like all humans, the right to speak in the public sphere however and whenever he wishes. Good on Lara for opening both conversations and more doors for speakers to speak freely, and massive courage and support to Jake for getting out there. His commentaries are relevant, and were I to have a channel, his speech would be welcome there too.