traffick boss partly runs thru mud Traffick boss is running and running through mud, flying everywhere, getting all muddy. Then he sits down at an office table. --- muddy paper Some office paperwork regarding business agreement with slavery organizations is covered in mud. Traffick boss is too confused with other hypnotic patterns for the mud to stimulate fear in him of [looking nonracist [big mistake]]. The paper sits there all muddy, and wet important figures regarding how many slaves needed to be exchanged to restore anyway all muddy a worker takes a pile of muddy papers, fearing for their life if they don't precisely do the work behaviors without question or criticism, and dutifully -- --- dictator of dictatortopia gets letter in the mail it's covered in mud indistinguishable formal missive in muddy paper regarding traffick boss gifting enslaved liberals to dictator of dictatortopia to resolve a dispute regarding nuclear detonations that didn't meet dictator's wifes aesthetics -- but in secret crime language every symbol is a word, and things that are implied are taken stronger than things that are stated straight so dictator of dictatortopia reads the mud as disregard and 1635