On 12/28/15, Rayzer <Rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:
... I have this discussion with local social activists quite a bit. The 'roles/titles and position' ARE the important thing. The names change. Structure doesn't.
Sssh, you're not helping my FOIA :P
... There's a local houseless person's 'activist' around here that still writes leaflets containing info about how a cop that hasn't been on the force for two years now abused people. Most of the homeless people reading it then file it in the nearest trashcan.
in Portland this manifested as training, tactics, and procedures used during interaction with the public. before reform, above average rates of lethal force, above average rates of mentally ill dying in custody. reform changed: - point of command and control into single individual in all interactions. no longer would confusing, conflicting commands be given by more than one officer - only one takes point in communication. - prioritizing identification and de-escalation of mental illness or drug crisis - trained professionals immediately take-over or dispatched, rather than ignorant escalations leading to lethal force. - training to make habit the use oft less lethal options, before applying lethal force. - a focus on service to the public, rather than enforcement upon lawbreakers. mindset makes a difference! - [ some other, lesser improvements. ] by changing the system that was flawed, a significant improvement in the outcomes for everyone - regardless of who specifically was on the force at the time, or what specific officers were engaging during wrongdoing or excessive use of force. machine learning systems are great at identifying sick systems, by the way. they leaves copious tells... best regards,