On 05/29/2017 06:41 PM, grarpamp wrote:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=021PuzHG_YA https://www.youtube.com/results?q=risk+poitras&sp=CAI%= infohash: 4D0FA67D82682390D7920E1930B02CB45B3CAB96
My take-away from having just watched the film: In Risk, Poitras burns Jacob Applebaum by presenting accusations against him with no mention of the content or context of those accusations. Nor is there any mention of dissenting voices from within the TOR Project itself regarding the libelous JakeGate narrative, or the toxic TOR Project workplace environment. In the wake of the organized online assault against Applebaum led by fellow employees, the TOR Project has replaced its board of directors and moved offices across the country in an apparent effort to clean house. In the film, Poitras states that she has personal knowledge confirming that Applebaum is a Bad Person, with no mention of specific incidents or sources: She essentially says that she has heard gossip. Apparently that's all the proof a fearless crusading journalist needs. Maybe she has a problem with the Feminist Thing, Male Pigs etc.; I also noted that the film makes no mention of the alleged victim of Julian Assange who has very publicly stated that he did not assault her in any way. In the film, Poitras fully endorses and actively propagandizes the Russian Hacking narrative. She could not have produced a more persuasive Public Information announcement if it had been written and directed by whatever compartments at CIA and DOJ are responsible to sell it to the public. The very newsworthy and /anomalous/ $20k reward offered by Assange for information leading to the arrest and conviction of whoever shot Seth Rich in the back is not mentioned in the film. In this film Poitras does not question the identity of the DNC leaker; the Director of the FBI have spoken and that's good enough for her, rebel outsider that she is. In Risk, The Intercept and its star attractions maintain their brand consistency, pretending to advocate for transparency with regard to crimes in high places. This image is somewhat at odds with the fact that they actually "intercept" leaked data before it reaches the public and put it under lock and key: Only a small fraction of the documents they have been handed have ever been published. Poitras is anything but a disinterested third party with regard to reporting on Wikileaks: They are her business rivals. Greewald & Co. are being paid /very/ well to reduce the impact of leaked US/NATO/FVEYE and related documents on the organizations whose criminal actions they expose. They publish only enough bits and pieces to establish public credibility as fearless crusading journalists, and promote NeoLiberal propaganda narratives to a faithful U.S. audience of self-identifying Progressive Liberals. Sam Esmail, creator of Mr. Robot, is listed as an executive producer in the closing credits of Risk. Small world innit? I would love to have been a fly on the wall... :o)