Art Director: Tom Gilday Artist: Curilla & Associates Photographer: Jan Czyrba/Advance Art Copywriter: Jim Johnston Agency: Griswold-Eshleman Company Client: Addressograph-Multigraph HE MIGHT HAVE BEEN THE MAN WHO DISCOVERED A CURE FOR CANCER. Dropouts become losers. They lose. And we lose. Today's dropouts might have been tomorrow's scientists. Or doctors. Or teachers. But what might have been will never be. For one out of three high school students don't stick around to graduate. The dropout is ten times as likely to become a juvenile delinquent. And the juvenile delinquent is perhaps a thousand times more likely to become a criminal. It doesn't have to happen. Good schools with good teachers and food facilities can produce good citizens. And that can make our world a better place in which to live. Which is why money spent on education represents the best investment we can make. An investment in the future of America.