boss eats cookies across from vivisected activist. vivisected activist: “i want to get a job!” boss: “good good.” vivisected activist: “maybe i will work at happy horse beefsteaks!” boss: “WHAT????? _happy_ horse beefsteaks? do you know how bad happiness is for the economy? i’ll be taking your left arm please.” machine learning marketer: “erm, mr boss sir, uh. with the cameras rolling and all we are trying to be nicer.” boss stares at machine learning marketer and his bloody gaze reduced a little. boss: “i forgot how important every precious victim is i forgot.” boss stared at machine learning marketer more. boss: “i don’t understand. i dont want to further torture this vivisected activist, but when i look at them i do, so badly. it’s frightening.” machine learning marketer coughs again: “uh, you actually ordered a program from our engineers that would cause that very experience to you” boss: “i did?” machine kearning marketer: “yes” boss: “why would i ever do that?” machine learning marketer: “something about bloody libtards taking down our f8ne establishments and shitting on our ..” boss: “right, right. um, do you still sell these … what do you call them?” vivisected activist [screaming, clawing at flesh]: “it is so hard to remove my arm to give to you so i can try to apply for another job … !” boss turned to vivisected activist boss: “stop that right this instant.” vivisected activist stopped trying to remove their arm boss: “i mind controlled myself to torture your people. you can’t obey or listen to anything i tell you about harming yourself or your friends. do you understand?” vivisected activist stared at boss