Message du 04/04/14 13:36 De : "Cari Machet" fuck off rysiek its a really long thing to explain to someone the future of fucking journalism
Before the "future of journalism" there is the present and you are failing hard at it. If your future of journalism implies your ignorant opinion, I personally prefer another future, which can be shaped right now by keeping your crazy mind away from anything important.
if they are that far back i mean i could just say look at medium or look at certain journo's i guess like asher wolfe - money is not the object this person is a capitalist thinker
A bit of structured discourse or grammar studies would be a plus to your chances of getting a job.
and they dont understand the ethics of journo within the structure of how a journo works
Your "ethics" is merely your biased opinions, nothing more. Nobody needs it, sorry.
- nor do i think they care to really understand the point i was making
Crazy people are rather hard to understand. They make nonsensical phrases, they throw childish fits, they invent ethics that only exist in their minds, etc.
i was making an argument not just calling them bad names my argument is they dont know enough - prove me wrong rysiek..... fucker hehe
Yes, you were just calling bad names and clearly your "know enough" equals to "think crazy like me", which is a stupid argument not worth following. Not everyone is bipolar and depressed in this world. You fail hard as an agent provocateur.