Goldman Sachs:

JPMorgan is a large Goldman Sachs shareholder. 
  • - is concerned that Goldman Sachs made efforts to defraud - while leveraging Goldman Sachs' relationship with JPMorgan.

JPMorgan Paying For Lawyers On Both Sides Of Javice Trial

By Pete Brush

JPMorgan Chase, the bank allegedly duped by Frank founder Charlie Javice into paying $175 million for her education startup, is paying legal fees for defense counsel as well as for lawyers representing prosecution witnesses, according to statements in court Wednesday.

Read full article » Save to favorites » - has compiled a list of 19 resources that reference a common link between Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement and JPMorgan’s successful Deferred Prosecution Agreements.

NYDFS Financial Inclusion Research: -'s research on JPMorgan paints a stark image for Goldman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made effort to defraud the United States of America AND -; 
  • While under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. 
Given the seriousness of the matter:

Can Goldman Sachs Board Directors kindly reply back to - by Monday, March 3, 2025 by 9:00am if Goldman Sachs refutes any of the above claims; 
  • Any February e-mails - has sent Goldman Sachs? - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. 

Thank you,

Gunnar Larson 
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 

On Fri, Feb 28, 2025, 1:47 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:

JPMorgan is a large Goldman Sachs shareholder. 
  • - is concerned that Goldman Sachs made efforts to defraud - while leveraging Goldman Sachs' relationship with JPMorgan.

JPMorgan Paying For Lawyers On Both Sides Of Javice Trial

By Pete Brush

JPMorgan Chase, the bank allegedly duped by Frank founder Charlie Javice into paying $175 million for her education startup, is paying legal fees for defense counsel as well as for lawyers representing prosecution witnesses, according to statements in court Wednesday.

Read full article » Save to favorites » - has compiled a list of 19 resources that reference a common link between Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement and JPMorgan’s successful Deferred Prosecution Agreements.

NYDFS Financial Inclusion Research: -'s research on JPMorgan paints a stark image for Goldman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made effort to defraud the United States of America AND -; 
  • While under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. 
Given the seriousness of the matter:

Can Goldman Sachs Board Directors kindly reply back to - by Monday, March 3, 2025 by 9:00am if Goldman Sachs refutes any of the above claims; 
  • Any February e-mails - has sent Goldman Sachs? - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. 

Thank you,

Gunnar Larson 
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 

On Wed, Feb 26, 2025, 8:53 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:

Will Goldman Sachs' Board Directors submit the Board to an audit of the Deferred Agreement’s mandates?

  • - confirms, Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement holds certain employee, customer and vendor data requirements.

GreenSky Loan Class Action Certified In Calif. Court

By Katryna Perera

A California federal judge has granted class certification to consumers suing GreenSky Inc. over alleged unlawful loan transaction fees, finding that expert analysis showed merchants likely passed these fees onto borrowers, but also granted summary judgment to the lending company on claims related to performance fees over the lack of evidence that consumers had to pay them.

 Order attached | Read full article » Save to favorites »

Apple Litigation Chief Threatened With Sanctions At Hearing

By Dorothy Atkins

A California federal judge presiding over a high-stakes evidentiary hearing into whether Apple has complied with her 2021 antitrust injunction threatened to sanction Apple's commercial litigation director Tuesday, telling counsel she has "significant concerns" about Apple's over-designation of attorney-client privilege, saying, "Your client is not entitled to have you engage in unethical conduct."

Read full article » Save to favorites » -'s research on Apple Card paints a stark image for Goldman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made effort to defraud the United States of America AND -; 
  • While under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. 
Please find the attached whitepaper with 71 reference footnotes. | CryptoBank Whitepaper:


Crypto and Blockchain are each a Human Right.
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  1. How does New York based bank fraud happen from the inside? People who commit crimes comprise departments and divisions of corporate organizations, and some current Human Resources (HR) management cultures lend well to the committing of crimes. 

  2. What organizational HR management design structures are at play to architectect such fraud for bespoke juristical instances? 

  3. Is there a unique opportunity for a fresh and clean New York-based international bank such as argues that modern and innovative Executive Suites pioneer organizational HR management with the CEO and CFO leading the pack as the most ethical example for members in their organization. This key distinction calls for leaders to always adhere to a very strict, yet progressive, standard of ethics, even when it’s inconvenient.

---- (PAGE BREAK) ---- - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.

Thank you,

Gunnar Larson 
Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 

On Wed, Feb 26, 2025, 7:02 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
Goldman Sachs: - shares with Goldman Sachs' Board Directors; 187 highlights to the Department of Justice’s "Prosecuting Computer Crimes, Computer
Crime and Intellectual Property Section, Criminal Division," published by the Office of Legal Education, Executive Office for
United States Attorneys.

Computer Crimes Manual Highlights.pdf: - has organized seven references to -'s Apple Card research for Goldman Sachs' Board Directors. - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell: -'s research on Apple Card paints a stark image for Goldman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made effort to defraud the United States of America AND -
    • While under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. 

    Referral Co. Barred From $5.54B Swipe Fee MDL Settlement

    By Sydney Price

    A New York federal judge has blocked a referral partner of a claims filing service from any role in the $5.54 billion settlement of long-running multidistrict litigation accusing Visa and Mastercard of charging improper merchant fees, after the referral partner allegedly improperly used class member information to submit claims.

     Order attached | Read full article » Save to favorites » - Bank respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.

    Thank you,

    Gunnar Larson 
    Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 

    On Wed, Feb 26, 2025, 3:07 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:

    Goldman Sachs: 

    Will Goldman Sachs' Board Directors submit the Board to an audit of the Deferred Agreement’s mandates? - confirms, Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement holds certain employee, customer and vendor data requirements.

    Audit Watchdog Tightens UK Accounting Guidance

    By Joel Poultney

    The audit watchdog published on Tuesday its finalized guidance to help companies asses whether it is a "going concern," which it said will broaden the scope of its advice to reflect reporting changes and high-profile corporate collapses.

    Read full article » Save to favorites » -'s running hypothesis is to move the Deferred Agreement conversation to official Discovery.
    • Discovery could eventually summerise an enterprise software racket perpetuated by Goldman Sachs;
    • Perhaps, an enterprise software RICO could be argued visavie Goldman Sachs' software relationships at Coinbase, Fireblocks, Robinhood, Apple Card and; 
    • While under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.

    Ex-Allianz Exec Avoids Prison As Massive Fraud Case Wraps

    By Pete Brush

    A Manhattan federal judge on Tuesday allowed a former fund executive from New Jersey to avoid prison for lying to clients of Allianz's U.S. unit, citing his cooperation as the government investigated a fraud that cost the German finance giant $6 billion.

     2 documents attached | Read full article » Save to favorites »

    EU Report May Influence Regulation Of Decentralized Finance

    The European supervisory authorities’ recent report on decentralized finance highlights the major regulatory challenges and increased cybersecurity risks of this ecosystem, and will likely provide useful guidance on how the market could be regulated to limit potential risks for investors, say Hubert de Vauplane and Hugo Bordet at Morgan Lewis.

    Read full article » Save to favorites » - Bank respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.

    Thank you,

    Gunnar Larson 
    Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 

    On Wed, Feb 26, 2025, 2:26 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
    Art Director/Designer: Ken Carson 
    Photographers: Charles Wiesehahn, David Vine, Stan Schafer, H. Armstrong Robert's
    Copywriter: Bill Drier 
    Agency: Conaway & Lyon, Inc. 
    Client: Nation's Business 


    We hate to cloud your day, but we'd like 
    to bring you up to date on a few things the
    experts have to say about our future relationships with Russia.

    The outlook is anything but rosy.

    It seems we could all be blown to hell be-
    cause of an incredible Kremlin capacity for
    misjudging what they can get away with 
    in their drive to communize the world. 

    In other words, the cold war, though 
    vastly changed, is far from over. 

    It's perils are not diminishing. If any-
    thing they're on the increase. 

    And continued disintegration of the So-
    viet bloc may tempt the Russians into new
    and desperate measures. 

    In short: the Reds are still on the make. 
    And though they definitely do not want a 
    nuclear war, they seem to be continually 
    blundering to the brink.

    Take the Cuban missile crisis, for exam-
    ple. The Russians thought they could plant missiles in Cuba without obstacles. They
    never dreamed President Kennedy would
    stand up to them.

    Another example, Czechoslovakia. The
    Russians actually expected to be welcomed as they plunged into Prague.

    In the end, either of these miscalcula-
    tions could have triggered a showdown. A
    showdown leading to a humiliating defeat. 
    Or disaster. 

    The cover story of the December issue 
    of Nation's Business tells more of the story. 
    (To over 2,000,000 of the nation's business

    Why a political report in a magazine like 
    ours? That's simple. If it affects business,
    it'll be there.

    Which is probably why we have over 854,000 businessmen paying to subscribe to our magazine.

    Which, when you think about it, is at 
    least one happy note to leave you with.

    If you're an advertiser. 

    Nation's Business 
    We Reach more businessmen than any other business magazine 

    On Tue, Feb 25, 2025, 6:36 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
    Goldman Sachs:

    Filmmaker Seeks New IP Trial Against Shyamalan, Others

    By Andrea Keckley

    A filmmaker has asked for a new copyright infringement trial against writer-director M. Night Shyamalan and his co-defendants Friday after a jury found that they did not have access to the film she claimed they infringed, arguing that the court failed to answer a crucial question from the jury before the verdict was delivered.

     Memorandum attached | Read full article » Save to favorites »

    Patent Eligibility Appeals 'Will Not Go Away,' Justices Told

    By Andrew Karpan

    Another plea to hear a patent eligibility case has been lodged at the U.S. Supreme Court, this time in an amicus brief from the owner of two invalidated patents covering medical machinery that warned "the problem will not go away. The problem will get worse and worse."

     2 documents attached | Read full article » Save to favorites » - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.

    Thank you,

    Gunnar Larson 
    Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 

    On Tue, Feb 25, 2025, 10:15 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
    Goldman Sachs:

    The Hong Kong Department of Justice’s approach to litigation finance and third party funding is coming into greater focus following the UK Supreme Court’s July 26, 2023 ruling on R. (on the Application of PACCAR Inc) v Competition Appeal Tribunal [2023] UKSC 28.

    Mondaq reports that PACCAR has defined “damaged-base agreements” or “DBAs” in the United Kingdom. DBAs are strictly regulated in the UK, now including litigation funding agreement contract law. Many UK courts have operated under the assumption that funding of litigation agreements does not fall under the purview of DBAs. PACCAR’s Supreme Court decision has sparked a fervent debate around this topic. 

    Mondaq says that Hong Kong DBA relevancy differs from the UKs DBA approach. Specifically, in Hong Kong, champerty and maintenance are illegal factors that can lead to a fine and prison sentence. 

    It’s important to note that Hong Kong does allow waivers to the general prohibition of litigation investment if: 

    1. Third parties share a common interest in funding the outcome of a case.

    2. Accessible justice is a prime consideration.

    3. Insolvency proceedings are necessary.

    • - will totally defend ourselves in Hong Kong. 

    Crypto Exchange OKX To Pay $504M For Allowing Illicit Deeds

    By Stewart Bishop

    Cryptocurrency exchange OKX on Monday agreed to pay $504 million in a deal with New York federal prosecutors who said the company ran afoul of U.S. anti-money laundering rules and allowed its platform to be used for more than $5 billion worth of suspicious transactions.

    Read full article » Save to favorites »

    Thank you,

    Gunnar Larson
    Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 

    On Tue, Feb 25, 2025, 3:12 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
    Goldman Sachs: - is concerned of potential Deferred Prosecution Agreement malfeasance by Goldman Sachs. -'s running hypothesis is to move the Deferred Agreement conversation to official Discovery.
    • Discovery could eventually summerise an enterprise software racket perpetuated by Goldman Sachs;
    • Perhaps, an enterprise software RICO could be argued visavie Goldman Sachs' software relationships at Coinbase, Fireblocks, Robinhood, Apple Card and; 
    • While under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.

    BREAKING: Elizabeth Holmes Loses 9th Circ. Appeal Over Theranos Fraud

    By Dorothy Atkins

    A Ninth Circuit panel on Monday affirmed the criminal fraud convictions of former Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes and former Theranos executive Ramesh "Sunny" Balwani along with their respective 11-year and nearly 13-year prison sentences, rejecting arguments that the lower court made multiple evidentiary errors that unfairly swayed jurors.

     Opinion attached | Read full article » Save to favorites » - is concerned Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement was designed to prevent Goldman Sachs' potential malfeasance; Such as market misrepresentations. 

    • It is alleged that Goldman Sachs has made multiple market misrepresentations against -;
    • It is alleged that Goldman Sachs' CEO continues to make market misrepresentations against -'s co-founder; Gunnar Larson.

    Denmark Argues Misrepresentation Led To £1.4B Tax Refunds

    By Joanne Faulkner

    Denmark's tax authority told the High Court of Justice on Monday that it would not have paid out billions in refunds to a British trader and others accused of involvement in a fraudulent trading scheme had they not submitted forms purporting to show eligibility for tax refunds.

    Read full article » Save to favorites »

    • Some of these potential misrepresentations of -'s best interests may have transpired during Goldman Sachs active Deferred Agreement with the United States of America. 

    Ex-WealthTek Partner Denies Defrauding Clients Out Of £64M

    By Ronan Barnard

    A former partner at wealth management firm WealthTek LLP denied accusations by the Financial Conduct Authority that he defrauded clients out of more than £64 million ($80.8 million) when he appeared at a London criminal court on Monday.

    Read full article » Save to favorites » - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.

    Thank you,

    Gunnar Larson 
    Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 

    On Mon, Feb 24, 2025, 3:21 PM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
    Art Director: William Hopkins 
    Designer: Allen Hurlburt 
    Photographer: Art Kane 
    Publisher: Cowles Communications, Inc./Look Magazine 



    Vietnam has given us no songs, no
    glory. There have been 38 other 
    wars fought since World War II,
    but the U.S. has bumbled into one 
    whose aims are unclear, and whose 
    outcome is uncertain. Our little war,
    like some vast malevolent genie,
    has engulfed us. 

    Our mass media forever drone its witless incantations; escalate, killrate, defoliate. 
    We see the young, frightened face 
    of a soldier go lifeless on the 6:00
    news. We are thrust onto the field
    to witness the old insanity of man
    pruning out his kind. Vietnam 
    has done something to the 
    American mind. 

    It has given us a 
    new view of the meaning of modern
    war, and called into question the 
    virtue of U.S. military ventures.

    With over 1,000 ICBM's sheathed 
    in hidden scabbards, we could 
    rain random death on over half the
    population of our planet. Before we
    are led to unleash this power, we 
    might well reexamine our over-
    committed role as global peace offi-
    cer. We have sought to come to terms 
    with other nations, whose people 
    fear America. Now, our own scared 
    citizens sense our need to 
    come to terms with ourselves. 



    On Mon, Feb 24, 2025, 9:43 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
    Goldman Sachs: - submits to Goldman Sachs' Board Directors that - is not time-barred from seeking justice over any Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement malfeasance. 

    Swizz Beatz Says Suit Over 1MDB Funds Is Time-Barred

    By Elliot Weld

    Hip-hop artist Swizz Beatz has told a Manhattan federal judge that a suit claiming he received millions of dollars that were stolen in the 1Malaysia Development Berhad fraud scandal should be tossed since it was brought after the six-year statute of limitations.

     Memorandum attached | Read full article » Save to favorites »

    Childish Gambino Nabs Fees In 'This Is America' IP Case

    By Andrew Karpan

    A New York federal judge has ordered a Miami rapper to pay out nearly $287,000 in legal fees for litigating a failed copyright case targeting Childish Gambino's 2018 hit song "This Is America," less than a third of what the record label lawyers and others had asked for. 

     Memorandum attached | Read full article » Save to favorites » - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.

    Thank you,

    Gunnar Larson 
    Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 

    On Mon, Feb 24, 2025, 9:03 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
    Goldman Sachs: 

    Did Goldman Sachs try to take advantage of - 

    Apple Can Claw Back Mistakenly Produced Docs In Epic Fight

    By Bonnie Eslinger

    A California federal magistrate judge said Friday that Apple can claw back two documents the tech giant said it accidentally produced during discovery for an antitrust suit brought by Epic Games, rejecting the game developer's assertion that Apple's bid was "opportunistic."

    Read full article » Save to favorites » - has organized seven references to -'s Apple Card research for Goldman Sachs' Board Directors. - Apple Card NYDFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell: -'s research on Apple Card paints a stark image for Goldman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made effort to defraud the United States of America AND -; While under active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. 

    Stellantis Loses €770M Auto Parts Cartel Claim

    By Joanne Faulkner

    The Competition Appeal Tribunal dismissed on Friday a €770 million ($805 million) claim brought by Peugeot and other car manufacturers after they failed to show how a European car safety parts cartel caused them to pay higher prices.

    Read full article » Save to favorites »

      Drugmakers Slam 'Untimely' Claims In Employers' Antitrust Suit

      By MJ Koo

      Pharmaceutical companies targeted by sweeping antitrust lawsuits from major employers, including Target, Lowe's and American Airlines, have asked a Pennsylvania federal judge to trim conspiracy claims from a lawsuit accusing them of orchestrating illegal agreements for price-fixing and customer allocation, arguing the allegation was unsupported and untimely.

       2 documents attached | Read full article » Save to favorites » - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.

      Thank you,

      Gunnar Larson 
      Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 

      On Mon, Feb 24, 2025, 7:07 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
      Goldman Sachs: -'s research on Coinbase paints a stark image for Goldman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to defraud the United States of America AND -; While under an active Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America. 

      Compliance Pointers For DOJ's Sweeping Data Security Rule

      A new Justice Department rule broadly restricts many common data transactions with the goal of preventing access by countries of concern, and with an effective date of April 8, U.S. companies must quickly assess practices related to employee, customer and vendor data, says Sam Castic at Hintze Law.

      Read full article » Save to favorites » - confirms, Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement holds certain employee, customer and vendor data requirements.

      These employee, customer and vendor data safeguards should have prevented Goldman Sachs' potential market abuses against - - respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights. 

        Thank you,

        Gunnar Larson 
        Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson - 

        On Mon, Feb 24, 2025, 6:26 AM Gunnar Larson <> wrote:
        Goldman Sachs: - reminds Goldman Sachs; -'s co-founder Gunnar Larson is a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar.
        • Taking themes of software purity; 
        • It would appear that all enterprise software deals Goldman Sachs potentially structured against - would need to pass standard wire fraud compliance.
        For example, - investigated Goldman Sachs' relationship with Coinbase; Visavie NYDFS contact before 2023 A.D. 

        Coinbase Trade Secret and Determination Letter 2023-093329.pdf: - shares with Goldman Sachs' Board Directors; 187 highlights to the Department of Justice’s "Prosecuting Computer Crimes, Computer
        Crime and Intellectual Property Section, Criminal Division," published by the Office of Legal Education, Executive Office for
        United States Attorneys.

        Computer Crimes Manual Highlights.pdf:

        Coinbase Says SEC Will Drop Suit Amid Crypto Policy Shift

        By Aislinn Keely

        Coinbase said Friday the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has committed to dropping its enforcement action against the crypto exchange, a move that would see the regulator walk away from one of its flagship crypto suits amid a wider policy shift under the Trump administration.

        Read full article » Save to favorites »

 -'s research on Coinbase paints a stark image for Goldman Sachs' Board Directors if the firm knowingly made efforts to defraud the United States of America AND xNY.i