On Sat, 17 Oct 2015 06:15:16 -0700, Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
Fri, 10/16/2015 - 22:58 | 6678042 Implied Violins Easy: bust the child-porn rings. ALL OF THEM. The rest will follow. "
May be the real reason why publishing the crime of beheadings and other gore is legal, but publishing this crime is illegal - minimize the risk to the "elite" ('must not have any pesky vigilantes to stop all the cover ups/ hush ups/ do nothing royal enquiries')?
Yup, more info on U.S. congressional child rapists and other criminal acts and collusion here https://www.corbettreport.com/the-real-hastert-scandal-pedophilia-drug-money... Latest update: The U.S. District Judge on this case, a piece of shit fuck known as 'Thomas M. Durkin' colluded with the prosecution and defense to keep details of Hastert's crimes sealed via a plea bargain deal. BTW, Durkin gave to Hastert's campaign and before he became a judge he worked in private practice with Hastert’s son, Ethan. No conflict of interested there. Amazingly, Durkin offered to recuse himself from the case but as you would expect both the prosecution and the defense said 'no'. Forget about Jim Bell's Assassination Politics, what we need now more than ever is "Castration Politics", where Darknet bounties for the genitals of these sociopathic child rapists and their protectors are raised and then 'harvested' by snatch 'n' snip teams.