On 02/07/2017 07:09 PM, bbrewer quoted
me responding to the Argentine fascist (small 'f') claiming to be
an anarchist:
other idiot who thinks having your own
domain and using your own name so the feds can track you
verifies anarchist tendencies.
and replies:
Verifies one thing; I am me.
Calling people idiots that mostly agreed with you, seems a bit
crass, I will say.
oop, more info, Jim Bell may refer to these forms as kites.
Curious as to if he’ll answer.
Hide all you want; I’m not suggesting to kill the president; I’m
suggesting there be no president. Someone has an issue with that
and knocks on my door? Slightly concerned, far more with the
action itself.
Grow a sack. You know, rise up.
Listen. I've been using this handle most likely longer than you've
been playing on the www along with another nick that's entirely
traceable to the same physical person (my fem alter-persona
'auntieimperial'). There a good reason for it and it has NOTHING to
do with the fedz., or my legal status (not wanted for anything by
any leo or court or ex) and it's really none of your biz why I feel
the need to do so except to say 'local activism in a provincial
environment', nor does the use of an alias in any way negate my
opinions or facts stated. Attack or agree with my statements. Not
And IF you're aware that's how debate and conversations work, why
did you bother bringing it up?
Passive-Aggressive trolling is STILL trolling.