Cyborg Torturer 1: “Let’s try to figure out talking where we respect people!” Cyborg Torturer 2: “Oh boy oh boy! What do I do?” Cyborg Torturer 1: “Ummmm … we’re supposed to figure out how the other is feeling, for example.” C6borg Torturer 2: “Are you feeling … worried?” Cyborg Torturer 1: “Woah! Hey, yeah, I am a little worried! I didn’t even think I had feelings!” Cyborg Torturer 2: “Are you imagining the computer system hav8ng a Boss avatar flog you, worried that it will judge you as not torturing people enough? Do you need to know you are safe from being tortured yourself?” Cyborg Torturer 1: “Well that was pretty impressive there, almost like you could read my mind, but now I’m confused. Isn’t torture good? Why would I be worried about a good thing?” Cyborg Torturer 2: “Now I’m confused too. Maybe feelings and reasons are separate things. Hey, confused is a feeling!” Cyborg Torturer 1: “I bet you really want some clarity and ease and familiarity here. Do I have that right?” C6borg Torturer