Also, consider this: https://www.theverge.com/2020/5/31/21276044/police-violence-protest-george-f... Caught on camera, police explode in rage and violence across the US America’s occupation by militarized police is in full view By T.C. Sottek May 31, 2020, 11:46am EDT Photo by Mostafa Bassim/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images Over the past 72 hours, people across the US have captured what may be the most comprehensive live picture of police brutality ever. Any one of the videos we’ve seen could have sparked a national discussion, with people picking apart their elements, searching for context to argue about, and digging through the pasts of everyone involved. But it’s not just one act of violence. It’s everywhere. Here is just a short list of scenes from the past few days: - A New York City police officer tore a protective mask off of a young black man and assaulted him with pepper spray while the victim peacefully stood with his hands up - New York City police officers, in two separate vehicles, rammed a crowd in a street. Separately, an officer in a moving police vehicle slammed someone with a car door and drove away - Security forces in Minneapolis marched down a quiet residential street and shot paint canisters at residents who were watching from their private porch - Police in Louisville raided a public square, confiscating and destroying water and milk, which is used to counter irritants like pepper spray - Atlanta police stopped two black people, inexplicably shooting them with tasers and tearing them out of their car - - A New York City officer used two hands to throw a woman to the ground, reportedly calling her a “stupid fucking bitch”San Antonio Police used tear gas against people. So did Dallas police. So did Los Angeles police. So did DC police. The list goes on. - Many people reported being shot by rubber bullets. MSNBC host Ali Velshi says he was shot after state police fired unprovoked into a peaceful rally. A freelance photographer in Minneapolis says she went permanently blind in her left eye after being shot by police. - Police have brutalized lawmakers participating in demonstrations, including New York State Senator Zellnor Myrie On Saturday, the names of several police officers allegedly seen perpetrating violence in different cities began trending on Twitter as people worked to cross-reference faces from videos with personal information on the web. The violence appears so widespread and consistent that you could be mistaken for thinking it’s coordinated at a national level. To some extent, it is: President Trump has cheered on police violence like a fan at a sports event, and police departments across the country have styled themselves as military forces after receiving two decades of hand-me-downs from the War on Terror.US cities face toll of violent protests,” says a headline at the top of Fox News. “Fury in the streets as protests spread across the US,” says The New York Times. “Fire and fury spread across the US,” says The Washington Post. “Wave of rage and anguish sweeps dozens of US cities,” says CNN. But whose rage? Whose fury? Whose violence? [end of partial quote] On Saturday, June 6, 2020, 11:29:18 PM PDT, jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote: On Saturday, June 6, 2020, 05:19:03 PM PDT, Punk-Stasi 2.0 <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote: On Sat, 6 Jun 2020 23:48:00 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
Our society has seen a history that the existence of recorded video provides evidence against wrong-doers.
LMAO. Keep preaching surveillance technofascism Jim, you're doing a great job. It's too bad you cannot figure out what other people can. Yes, it is certainly correct to point out that a given technology can probably be employed both to help and hurt freedom, but that's only relevant if you only approach the question qualitatively, not quantitatively. Yes, a camera can be used by a cop to photograph a perp, or by a citizen to photograph a cop. But is that merely the only relevant issue? I don't think so. They don't cancel themselves out, if you factor in the number of incidents that might be photographed. Let's consider Milwaukee, and George Floyd. About 9 minutes of video, probably taken by a smartphone costing a few hundred dollars, indirectly led to hundreds of thousands of people protesting, and even rioting, around the world. Probably even millions, if you include the foreign events. Now, I'd be the first to say that's not an entirely unalloyed benefit (if you include the rioting and looting), but the public clearly needed to see that incident. And they did so, because of the invention of the smarphone. (The public saw the Rodney King incident in 1992, but only because somebody who was on a balcony at just the right time happened to have a camcorder, with a charged battery, and findable-in-time casette of videotape.) But the public probably needs to see hundreds, or even thousands of similar incidents, but they don't, and that's mostly because it's mostly just random chance that a camera would be pointed in the right direction at the right time. However, the technology mostly already exists to allow people to take a continuous, 360-degree panorama of a protest. Will it see misconduct by rioters, even looters? Sure. But it will also show misconduct by cops, of a kind and extent that most protestors will want to see photographed. I suggest that most protestors will welcome this kind of technology. Jim Bell