On 1/25/21, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:
On Mon, 25 Jan 2021 16:41:33 -0500 Karl <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
the state tried hard to fight bitcoin. Some time ago.
that is completely false. If anything the state encourages the use of bitcoin given the fact that bitcoin is a fucking privacy nightmare (for users of course)
well, although 1/3rd or so of the countries at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_bitcoin_by_country_or_territory describe cryptocurrency as illegal in some way, and the fact that the privacy guarantees around cryptocurrency are not clear could be seen as another attack on it, i have two things to say: you know what? you're right. bitcoin is waste of time and a dangerous secret weapon. I wonder what people do to preserve exotic data without it. i bet there are a lot of ways. but also you know what? i really don't care about privacy. i need cryptographic exchange to _reveal_ the _horrific_atrocities_ our leaders are stimulating. we have cash for privacy. but if you're not aware, the way to be private online is to not associate things with yourself. jacob appelbaum talked about this a lot. how are you doing punk
Cryptocurrency could be a good lesson on the importance of taking things carefully and methodically, and working with your enemies, during emergencies.
you should kill your enemies, not work with them.
funny whenever i do that i get more, notably among their immediate family. i don't like having enemies, do you?
This evidenced by the price rising more than wall street can believe exists, on a regular basis.
sounds like you need a link here. Here's a news article. It says "Bitcoin drops 13%" https://www.coindesk.com/bitcoin-suddenly-drops-13-as-altcoins-continue-to-r... Here's another article, also on Bitcoin. It says "Dec 2020, giving it a year-to-date increase of 224%" https://www.investopedia.com/articles/forex/121815/bitcoins-price-history.asp#:~:text=Bitcoin's%20price%20reached%20a%20peak,500%2C000%25%20on%20the%20Bitstamp%20exchange. Which of those two factoids are you used to hearing? Meanwhile, go to a bank and get an interest rate that is less than 1% annual return, here in the USA. Last year Bitcoin had over one hundred times the return of a normal investment account.
I think you should stop with the completely baseless 'techn-optimism' unless your aim is of course to spread misinformation.
I'm trying to stimulate an apocalypse where all the worst stuff happens ever =( I need to talk with somebody who doesn't like technology _or_ conflict, but I like you.