original electron microscopy data i think: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=UYNRtmkAAAAJ https://www.cell.com/cell/pdf/S0092-8674(18)30787-6.pdf announcement on twitter: https://twitter.com/sdorkenw/status/1674859033076072448 We are releasing a whole-brain connectome of the fruit fly, including ~130k annotated neurons and tens of millions of typed synapses! Explore the connectome: https://codex.flywire.ai Reconstruction paper: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.06.27.546656v1 Annotation paper: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.06.27.546055v1 1/6 There are multiple ways to access the data and the number of tools is growing! https://flywire.ai/apps Codex: https://codex.flywire.ai CATMAID spaces: https://fafb-flywire.catmaid.org http://Braincircuits.io: https://braincircuits.io/app?p=fruitfly_fafb_flywire_public 2/6 The main portal to the data is Codex. For every neuron, one can now query its connectivity, size, neurotransmitter, labels, etc. but also analyze network graphs and find pathways between neurons! CT1 neurons: https://codex.flywire.ai/app/cell_details?data_version=630&root_id=720575940621675174 Render by @amyneurons 3/6 In our paper, we analyzed the ocellar circuit (image), produced a projectome between all brain regions, and computed information flow from input to output neurons. These barely scratch the surface of what one can now analyze! all ocellar neurons: https://flywire.ai/discover/ocellar 4/6