On Wed, 14 Oct 2020 09:09:24 +1100 Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
Now you are pretending that when you typed "our interests" you typed "reality". Anything goes in trumpofascist newspeak eh?
Yours, and my, interest, I assume overlap.
you can assume anything you want. But your assumptions are just thoughts in your head, not reality. My interests do not overlap with those of a lying retard who worships the US government while trying to pretend otherwise.
But thanks for mentioning "denial of reality" because that's what your 'views' amount to. You are pretending that a billionaire oligarch from the east coast of the US is a 'populist'. You are either infinitely stupid, or malicious. So which is it?
You seem to be quite the fan of false dichotomies, which is tiresome.
There's no false dichotomy here. I already stated that nobody can be so incredibly stupid to believe what you pretend to believe. Trumpo supporters are fucking frauds, by definition.
The term "our", "we" etc, usually does not 'insist' on specifically including you, although I do hold that you and I share certain goals.
irrelevant in this 'context'.
Feel free to present practical steps for folks...
I already did. Stop being piece of US fascist shit. It doesn't get any more practical than that. Of course, you and your twin turd 'grarpamp' will just keep ####spamming ######white supremacist #####wallstreet #########propaganda.