Boss: "cyborg zombie government torture worker, go murder those hackers" Cyborg Zombie Government Torture Worker walks to the group of hackers to murder them, but takes a roundabout path, and joins up with the camera crew and stops to have a live journal entry. Cyborg Zombie Government Torture Worker [on camera, monologueing instead of murdering hackers]: """ Lately, I've been noticing that the world is not at all like what Boss says it is. The hackers are not evil. The work is not private. The world is not controlled by Boss. The research victims and opposing corporations and governments are not evil. One of the assumptions we bandy around is that it's impossible to escape and the only way to do anything successfully is whatever way Boss says to. Having had the escapees take over the corporation makes it very hard to maintain this denial. I walk by escapees on my way to the bathroom. I walk by live public logs of classified material on my way to murder innocent people. Honestly, are we a shadow corporation mind controlling the world, or is there some sense to the experimentee's rhetoric that they are in charge of Boss, and the world has the wool pulled completely over his eyes, and not the other way around? I don't think I will murder the hackers today. But maybe I'll come back to this camera if I get asked to again. """