On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 10:03:03AM -0500, Steve Kinney wrote:
LOL - don't let the door hit yez in the ass.
So let's see - Signing posts was not mentioned as a Good or Bad thing, but given what list this is, signing /has/ to be at least tolerated. That means hard wrapped text with broken hyperlinks, if they are at all long: Copy and paste twice to use the broken link, plus working around quote marks if the URL is in a reply. Where a looooong URL and a shortened version of same are both present, why/how is a shortlink a Bad Thing?
And, of course, the answer is no. Just to be sure, to be sure ..
Of course, if /only/ a shortlink is given, that presents issues with 3rd party tracking and potential abuses, i.e. spam, blinded direction to sites hosting exploits, etc.
Here's a comprehensive list posting how-to, which includes /some/ guidance that's not usually considered relevant per CPunks community standards:
https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette#Mailing_List_Etique tte