On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 01:36:54PM +0300, ja.talk wrote:
Jacob Appelbaum
Account name error
OpenPGP fingerprint 043E 0E69 DD56 BA59 5905 8756 90BC 9192 B062 91B2
Status Debian Developer, removed since 2016-06-18
Debian is not, and never has been, about justice. Debian developer voting base has public foundations which fail to have any separation of powers - just a single public "community" executive/ power of authority, with no formal nor rigorous nor easy to identify appeal/ right of reply/response process. Debian is not about human rights. Debian is not about justice. Without foundations of human rights and justice, Debian fails fundamentally to provide an effective --long term-- foundation for effective community. Debian is about their operating system/ software distribution and packaging, and the whims of the developers who are the only ones who get to vote on anything. See Debian's Social Contract, which is all about (free libre) software, its utility and benefits, and even their "3. We will not hide problems" clause is purely utilitarian and software based, and has nothing to do about humans, rights, justice nor ethics! : https://www.debian.org/social_contract and Debian's Code of Conduct : https://www.debian.org/code_of_conduct Debian fails to have any of: - due process - separation of powers - right to respond - right to appeal - ethical foundation - principled foundation other than utility And before you leap in with an excessively quick "oh, you can respond, just send an email" - take notice, if it is not written into the foundation rights, there is no such right in operation in Debian! So take your false beliefs and read Debian's foundation documents again before embarrassing yourself publicly. --- Fundamentally, with only a "be excellent to each other" hippy ethos, tyranny can (and I say in the long term shall) reign supreme; despots can hide, well intentioned idiots can pave abundant roads to hell, and all without realising their mistakes nor the years of damage to their hailed "community", since that damage is predominantly unseen. Debian is no friend to ethics nor justice nor fundamental community building principles - nothing more than the grandiose principle of "Utility"! Yes, "free libre software" is indeed more useful than proprietary closed source software. You heard it here first. Debian? An excellent operating system for a certain category of individual. Just don't expect your idea of community to remotely prevail within the "Debian" project.