Nice to see Naomi Brockwell push back against the BTC crowd. Question #maximalism & think for yourself. https://proxyvideos/tv/CR5H90VHYRk/ Got a little heated on the show today: an awesome tool for enabling financial sovereignty in day-to-day transactions is released, and it gets scoffed at by those who denigrate using crypto for purchases at all. I still love you tho, Will. "I get tremendous utility out of @LBRYcom. It's a tool that helps me to reclaim control over my life: It allows me to share content without fear of censorship or having my community rugpulled. The SEC is hunting valuable crypto projects, to attack the entire crypto ecosystem." "At a certain point, our corrupt and moribund political culture has no hope of solving humanity's problems. You either bet on science and technology, or you bet on extinction." The SEC Director of Enforcement admits the SEC is cracking down on companies outside its jurisdiction. Absolutely unacceptable. Edward Snowden @Snowden Did you know that whistleblowers are sentenced to more time in prison than corrupt officials who trade secrets for sex -- more time than even actual spies? The government has made *telling* the truth a greater crime than *selling* it. "And to think that the money isn't even in the buildings... the tanks are protecting the theatre, not the money, which can be created/destroyed at whim."