----------------- From: jim bell <jimbell@pacifier.com> Date: Thu, 8 Feb 1996 08:39:54 +0800 Subject: Re: Reasons in support of crypto-anarchy WAS Re: Why am I wrong?
1. Governments will no longer be "necessary," if they ever were. 2. Protection will no longer depend on having a "government."
3. Anonymous networking technology will protect our rights, to the extent they can be protected. 4. Your statement, "...anarchy is a massive step backward..." is absolutely incorrect.
That's fine that you believe the things, but for acceptance by others you will have to provide support for your position. I, personally, would like to see your premises so that I may evualuate your claims. You may indeed be correct in your assessment.
Well, here's my "Assassination Politics" essay. [Part 1] I've been following the concepts of digital cash and encryption, since I read the article in the August 1992 issue of Scientific American on "encrypted signatures." While I've only followed the Digitaliberty area for a few weeks, I can already see a number of points that do (and (rest of essay clipped) ---------------------------