You're still forgetting THE most important thing about all of this. And it's been true for every viral disease in history. In fact, it's the only way the virus gets authority over a larger organism....
As long as you are within a diseased society, be it from lack of Truth, responsibility, or effort from the humans of it, the virus will over-power you, EVENTUALLY, and/or at some time.
It has come to my attention, that my use of the capital letter "T" above for truth is a problem for some. While it must be true that such truth must be established by fiat somewhere, for the uni/multiverse cannot privilege one thing over another, it is a practical truism that believing such a concept exists is essential. Water may ultimately float in empty space, for example, but on Earth, within society, there must be a vessel that can contain the water (for the sake of life's continuity) and that vessel is called Belief. Given postmodern aesthetics of "nothing absolute", the water must also be considered to evaporate or disappear into other dimensions and become worthless to our purposes HERE of actual LIFE. Thank you for your understanding on the Matter, for order must be considered more important to our biology than chaos, and this little asymmetry is our ticket to existence, or at least the ability to remember to have existed at all. Thank you. Marcos