On 11/13/2016 01:51 PM, grarpamp wrote:
On Sun, Nov 13, 2016 at 11:27 AM, Razer <rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:
Have a look. Tens of thousands.
10 is not 100.

almost every single POC
As far as whether POC hate him
Citation your implied numerical ratio of haters vs lovers 

In the POC population?


July: poll suggests that only 6 percent of black voters nationally plan to support Donald Trump.


More: http://www.factcheck.org/2016/02/trump-and-the-black-vote/

Beyond that do your own research.

was requested,
not the degree to which any such haters hate him.
Voting data seems to indicate from 65-88% haters holding
a degree from 0<hate<=100 sufficient to vote as such,
far from 'every single'.

where it's not middleclass and white.
Like within big blue city limits full of poc marchers?
Or out in the red sticks full of non poc?

Where I live it's got both. There's hipsters AND rednecks round these heah parts... Where most people in the US live there are both.

Further, most of the truly rural areas in America are populated by immigrants, legal or not, working in the fields or some Armour meat packing plant in bumfuck getting spattered with bone meal gristle and blood. Trump WILL give that job to an American. Too bad he won't find ONE to take it . Driscoll Strawberry mentioned below is classic. They and the California Strawberry Association ran a PR campaign to get young white Californians into the fields. The ag law in Cali is 12 hours a day sunrise to sunset until the harvest is done. No one applied.

Then there are Exburbs... Where the more affluent live. Sometimes they only go to the office once a week, or month. They like Trump. They're cutthroat scam artists like him too. Managers that made director and shit like that.

Then there are some places that look like farms but they really aren't. The number of true family farms, as opposed to Family as in name, like Driscoll Strawberry in California with millions of acres snd is really quite corporate, approaches near zero in the US. Or like the 'The Bundys' who are "Welfare Ranchers" The keep cattle because the government pretty much pays for it. But their business? Truck repair.

"Rural America" as the media depicts it is a myth IOW. I've been there. They all live on disability and welfare and when the check comes at the beginning of the month they get their tattoos worked on. If they run short of money they just whip up a sink full of meth. Then there's the nutjobs.. Like polygamous Mormons who keep harems of women they only fuck when "god" commands.


It's about the popcorn, others can debate and figure
whatever Soros or anyone else is up to on whatever side.

Since no side presents an ideal package, and most sides
seem far from one with their stupid politically engineered
dividing line antipodal platforms, I could care less.

Here's my side: They can both go fuck (or unfuck) themselves


Regarding popcorn, remember, not all popular votes are in, and
there's still electoral fun and games to be played in December.


It's still better everyone on all side quit being physical against
other humans and property and generally chill the fuck out.