Sorry, Shawn, but I agree with Mirimir.  No formal moderation, please.  People should be able to use good sense and self-moderation.  In last case, we always can use lots and lots of filters.

I only accept moderation in extreme cases, like frequent spam attacks.  Usually, I have to manage this kind of thing in an old list where I am one of moderators.  Apparently, the words "hackers", "transparency" and "government" always attract creepy spammers and bots, brrr...  :(

Mirimir, my love, sorry for answering to the retard troll instead just ignore him, but that message hurt me a lot.  I filter Zzz's messages and they are sent directly to the trash, but I have another filter only for Aaron and his name was mentioned in a very disgusting way.  Aaron's name is not a dirty piece of bone for being in a mangy dog's mouth like Zzz.

I know some of dearest Aaron's friends will probably read or listen about that stupid message, that ridiculous conspiracy theory, and I could not permiss this violation of his memory, of his friends and family feelings.  I could not be silent knowing they would feel more pain than me, knowing how much it would hurt them...  :'(

Tender hugs and kisses, my dear Mirimir.  It's raining here tonight.  I always love the rain, the wonderful rain' smell, but in sad moments, I still think God is crying for us exactly like when I was a child... 

When possible, just for curiosity, watch a Japanese movie name "Ima, Ai Ni Yukimasu", my dear.  I have different reasons, but I also love sunflowers and I am always waiting for the rains.  It's a pretty sweet movie and I like the time lapses and the little butterfly effects.  Be well and live more than me, my dear.  I love you.