On 4/20/20, bo0od <bo0od@riseup.net> wrote:
it doesnt matter if its mentioned in wikipedia or not, but the questions should be asked before checking any service:
- Is it based on free/libre software? - How much they value your privacy through lets say decentralization or ability to host your own service or its working over Tor and I2P ...etc
well if we try to apply both of these points on BlueJeans service we gonna have DirtyJeans.
Website blocking Tor users access thats just first indication of horrible service:
Access Denied You don't have permission to access "http://www.bluejeans.com/" on this server. Reference #18
https://bigbluebutton.org/ https://videoconferencing.guide/ https://cubicgarden.com/2020/04/17/illegal-zoom-bombing-is-out-of-control/
BlueJeans' website https://www.bluejeans.com/ says so "Empower Your Remote Workforce with Secure Video Conferencing"
Marketing propaganda, flower and weasel words, learn to recognize the spin, avoid the lure.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BlueJeans does not say anything
It does in fact say something, everything, right on the tin... "Verizon announced on April 16th, 2020, that it will be acquiring BlueJeans" Did you now forget Verizon the biggest Government Spy and Apologist next to AT&T literally giving away your and whole worlds call content, and CDRs, and internet traffics to spy and "enforcement" and liberation repression agencies. "Headquarters: San Jose, California, U.S." Did you read "Surveillance Valley by Yasha Levine", follow the Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, etc coordinated censorship regime coming from all these "headquarters" of corporates partner with Government to do the deeds. "cloud-based ... service" Spy platforms... Google, Microsoft, Amazon. "Periyannan was the CTO of Blue Coat Systems" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Coat_Systems#Use_by_repressive_regimes "Ramakrishnan was an entrepreneur-in-residence at Accel Partners" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accel_Partners Spies with Venture Capital... the dangerous combo. "Over the 2012 holiday season, BlueJeans partnered with the Military Association Benefits Group and Military Comm Networks to provide free video conferencing for U.S. soldiers and their families." Partners in order following copout, murder[ers], criminal States against liberation. BlueJeans... secure? HA joke on you. But hey it comes with proprietary "Dolby Voice" so it must be good right? Ever hear of free and other opensource audios library like... https://xiph.org/vorbis/ Did you also forget how Bitcoin-BTC got acquired by Blockstream, Lightning, FakeToshi-Nchain_Patent-Bitcoin_SV-BSV... yet you wonder why all of them still have zero encryption privacy in their transactions and protocols... no GovCorp influence surveillance there either right. Distributed opensource software volunteer developed peer to peer around the world does not need any such "acquirement"... in fact it should resist and fork away from it at all costs. Unless you are the one hiring them such that they are solely beholden to you, closedsource and companies must always be viewed as extremely suspect and sandboxed away from your liberations. They are not so beholden, and their GovCorp dollars and powers always corrupts. What does history say. Some of these commercial packages cost more a month than it would for you to run your own hub node on your own machine and line. Explore any of the opensource voice/video apps posted on the list first instead, use over your own encrypted channels. You want features, ease of use, open security audits, more HW/SW platforms, interoperability, some security privacy minded hub node hosting community, etc... Then send all the licensing and subscription money that you would otherwise have paid to those closed companies (including the cost of your loss of privacy and freedom the datamining metadata surveillance censorship selling you out advertising etc), to the opensource app dev teams, and build that, instead. Pick among the opensource, send them a monthly stipend, use it, you'll feel better contributing too.