On Thu, 9 Jun 2016 18:05:56 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
Gov's don't self suicide.
Usually, that's true. The most obvious counter-examples today include Venezuela and Greece.
Venezuela is controlled by a somewhat more totalitarian government than in the past. Not only the government of venezuela hasn't 'commited suicide', it's actually stronger than it used to be. I don't know how bad the current greek government is, but I do know it is alive and kicking and that the 'crisis' it underwent was caused by all the money they stole. So at best you can argue that when a government grows too fast there may be some kind of 'blowback' but that is all.
There is a difference, albeit small, between a government taking an action to deliberately kill itself, as opposed to a government taking an action will will eventually cause that government to be killed. To a first approximation, both amount to "suicide".
However they may piss other folks off, who then rise to kill them. I include that kind of event as being "suicide". Jim Bell