On Tue, 21 Jul 2015 20:49:31 -0700 Seth <list@sysfu.com> wrote:
Almost all cypherpunks were anarchists who regarded the state as the enemy. Most but not all were anarchists of the Right, or in American parlance, libertarians, who supported laissez-faire capitalism.
That's for the people who didn't get the memo. (Oops. I just picked up the expression from Zenaan. I hope he doesn't sue me) Now, here's another important memo : Firms like gaagle, bank of amerikkka, amerikkka online, etc, are textbook examples of corporatism, mercantilism and, given their support for the american fascist state, they can be classed as outright fascist. (American) big businesses have NOTHING to do with "free market capitalism". Interestingly enough both anti-libertarians and fake libertarians like to pretend that big fascist businesses are justified by libertarian philosophy.
The cypherpunks formed a house of many rooms. The only thing they all shared was an understanding of the political significance of cryptography and the willingness to fight for privacy and unfettered freedom in cyberspace.
A flawed understanding it seems.