On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 9:10 AM, Eugen Leitl wrote:

> are you the fuckhead who BSOD my computer
> and took it down after my first cypherpunks post?
> (if you are you better watch out- you're in trouble...)

You sound paranoid. There is really no need for that.
I personally tried to read some of your missives but
had to skip them due to lack of time.

Paranoid, no. having personal experience of locked psychiatric wards and snakeoil, i know the domain and this is not that. grounded observations here.

my independent research has been messed around with for a decade plus, this includes heavy surveillance, now ubiquitous. several projects shut down or sabotaged due to active, hostile yet "kids gloves" interference, given origin.

ex. political agenda shuts power off to apartment to stop basic research into new computing system, threatens destruction of tools (NAS) needed to prototype AMS (Asperger Management System). message: "stop or equipment will be fried!" NAS and router already backdoored, NAS ghosted from beginning anyway, hive of activity, manufactured for sabotage. so have to stop and move onto plan Z^n.

under siege for years. existence as if held hostage within illegal prison of hidden dictator. unwanted truth, its uncanny ability to rattle megastructures of power. ping the biased networks, learn its programmatic malfunctioning. private group using constitution as shield to illegally attack citizens, then wrongly expecting to be able to hide behind it for their own defense, no such boundary.

mistakenly thought refraining from saying what was actually on my mind would be keeping it ~classy on cypherpunks :L

that is: no advisement of will-writing, death sentences, deballing, cutting tongues out, hanging by nutsack, fingers cut off, eyes gouged out-- nothing about war, takedown of vital public equipment, nor role of legal state murder.

though i wanted the perpetrators to realize the horror that awaits them. perhaps too understated- i.e. they are cursed with extreme and increasingly misfortune as a result of their actions. the error-rate will be going way up for those involved. unbearable pressure. the nightmare of hostile metaphysical code.

context for computer attack: under heavy noise assault for 19 months, ranging from harassment and abuse to long periods of sustained noise torture. water remotely turned down in shower, 70+ times. VOC toxic fume attacks, bombs of laundry detergents and chemicals, deteriorating nervous system, debilitating. those involved denying their actions, trying to frame as crazy, force suicide. noisemaking devices in the walls, remote switches to control water valves. internet-connected. apartment the bizarre context of embassy psychological trickery. events directly connected to ruling ideology, power politics.

my equipment thoroughly surveilled. multi-level honeypot, manufactured to spy and to break. completely monitored. whomever subverted my system in PC takedown due to active retaliatory censoring (against crypto-ideas) walked into a trap. even while i cannot figure it out, it is indicated the perpetrators are KNOWN.

this event oddly sequenced with local CIA matched reference, power outage to apartment and immediately back on. a second power blip recurs in the morning, coinciding with computer attack. seemingly signaling hidden observer.

the computer attack- DOS shell occasionally appears and vanishes upperleft upon login. disembodied close-window [x] checkbox sometimes appears upperleft of screen, as if virus or trojan, along with lower right MS red signage warning of unidentifiable security threat at time of kernel panic, locking down windows in pause, cascading into BSOD shutdown. clean installing OS, new BIOS, nothing stops it, as if occurring outside OS and motherboard control. occurs after one hour, as if strategically deployed or unlocked bug to sabotage computing system that cannot be repaired by software or disk overwrites. so my equipment is ruined. it had bug exploits before, though now it cannot be used at all as a research tool. this is active hostile censorship. destruction of property.

imagine if this is what 'crypto' is allowing the state to do to its citizens, by ideological design. circuit faults as failsafes to stop public communications via subversion, oversight of an illegal dictatorial state and its methods, using these 'secret weapons' against the constitution: freedom of thought, ideas, free expression. now what if those at the NSA or CYBERCOMMAND are attacking citizens not aligned with the ruling exploitative political agenda- the state as enemy.

(important to distinguish the context for remote hostile actions localized, the reliance on 'virtual power' and allowing such functioning, versus ~securing its basis in actual grounded power. also, dependence on masks and hiding to get away with these exploits, cheating, stealing, subterfuge and sabotage, etc.)

there is a definite aspect of aggression and bullying, to the point of torture, and destruction of peoples' lives that has somehow been normalized by detachment of the population from its representation within the state, via short-circuits.

that is realism for me. sanity. and my perspective of these events. that someone would write off-list at the exact moment i begin first attempts at repair then triggered a thoroughly muted response, not getting into the fact that people die for doing these things. it is not all virtual and remote. it can be extremely close-up and involve brutal events and unimaginable pain and anguish. yet these same mediocre oppressors seem not to believe there is anything to fear anymore.

there, balanced the psychic equilibrium. thanks.