And if you can't wait for the phone implant in the brain aLa ' The Presidents Analyst " well, I refer youse back to Comey 2016 - he asked Silicon Valley for a back door available to law enforcement in all devices globally. Decentralized escrow or Multi-sig is a perfectly sound way to proceed along these lines. However, I said at the time having just one or two other FBI approved agencies tasked with managing such a system would not work. It would need more like a billion all around the globe - each agency - or node - controlling the decryption keys for about 512 individuals. And as an offset for consenting to FIVE-EYES style LEO access through a warrant from a respected source ie not the DPRK police, the Saudi or Iranian religious police, the CCP red army, Russian FSB, Myanmar, etc, etc, etc ad nauseum, the democratic secular parties involved would presumably want to be compensated. The logical play is to shovelware in the ultimate tracking technology - a global central-bankster-backed mother or all shitcoins , in the form of a regular airdrop - UBI by another name. " Its free electronic money and always will be ". Such a system would provide 5 billion people with extreme convenience and security as approved by the likes of OG cypherpunk, Vinay Gupta. Such a system would even help my project for CYPHERPUNK 2027 since it would rapidly lead to massive digital money laundering, counter-surveillance and neutralization of all Draconian law courts and LEO's, basically it could only hasten the coming crypto-anarchy, much more than hinder it. Any problems it creates will also easily be solved by the new quantum crypto regime and associated super-strong AI indistinguishable from benign wisdom at a higher plane - TL/DR next level encrypted internet will rock your world. Amiwrong?