On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 01:41:14PM +0000, John Newman wrote:
On July 9, 2019 9:49:59 PM UTC, Punk <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:
On Tue, 09 Jul 2019 14:35:03 -0700 Razer <g2s@riseup.net> wrote:
On July 8, 2019 2:08:11 PM PDT, Punk <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:
Oh and I almost forgot. Tell me about the jews and their
camp in palestine? What's your take on those poor oppressed jews and their concentration camp? they must be "pastoral folks" eh?
I feel about it just the way I feel about the ones on my southern border.
what? I see you are completely evading the topic at hand. Tell me what % of joos run your anglo-american fascist state. You know the percentage is pretty high in relation to the percentage of joos in the population, don't you?
What's your explanation for such a fact?
what % of jews in hollywood, banking, 'journalism',
NSA-contractors(google, facebook...) etc etc etc etc?
The BANKERS worship money and power,
yes, like all the rest of jew-fascists. Now, what % of criminals in the areas I mentioned are jewish? It's not just bankers as you well know.
What's your explanation for such a fact?
What's your explanation, Juan? Your rhetoric seems to come dangerously close to neo-nazism.... At least, the anti-semitic bits.
"The anti-emitic bits" heh? Nothing like a good strawman, Jon.
Obviously what Israel is doing to the Palestinians is a disgusting fucking atrocity. They are in many ways an American client state in the near/middle east, and
What you mean is, America is a client state of Israel, militarily, financially, "intelligence"/spying etc etc. America, Israel's bitch on heat, just can't get enough.
recent developments under the current US regime have been particularly egregious, at least symbolically (e.g. moving the embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing it as the capital, etc). Netanyahu loves Trump, heh.
Back to your original question, one line of thinking I've seen tossed around quite a bit is discussed at the following link (and no doubt in more depth in many other places, including the book being reviewed) -
Yeah we can be sure the "ADL director" is unbiased. Cough. And "Jerry Muller" is "on the money" when he paints Jews as historically oppressed since "in medieval Christian Europe were the only ones allowed to engage in finance" - those poor, poor oppressed Jews, having to suffer so much - at least he posits an apt moment of truth: "In necessity, sin never had a better enemy ... we still live with the consequence"
Personally I dislike outright anti-semitism.
Lettuce translate your erudite exposition: "Personally, I dislike being seen as a bigot." "Personally, I like being seen as a socially acceptable person." "Personally, I'm an utter social media slut."
It's ugly, it makes me think of nazis, and all the ethnically Jewish folks that I've known fell somewhere on the spectrum from homeless drug addict to "middle class" ... Although, I suppose that says more about me than anything else ;)
Kiss kiss.
What's that supposed to mean? You think I'm Cecilia or what.