On Sep 27, 2017 10:41 AM, "Cecilia Tanaka" <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi, Greg!  :D

Confirmed again, now with more attention:  -  ZH really posted on CP list _after_ sending that dramatic message for you.  The message was received and, obviously, ignored.  :)

So, be happy and don't worry, la la la...  ;)

My dear Greg,

I did not read none of them, but (s)he sent a lot of messages to Cypherpunks List yesterday.  All received and, sorry, deleted without reading, because my inbox is not a toilet and I have more interesting things to do.  Maybe manicure, games or reading comics?  Hahaha!!  ;D

You asked me to follow up the messages, not for reading them, dear.  Thank you for it.  :)

I don't know why (s)he is always mentioning this kind of victivism, pretending to be special, a new leader, blah-blah-blah.  Maybe to get attention?  Since I begin on this list, it's the fourth time.  Not much original, ugh!  :P

But, well, one of them was very funny, because (s)he was sending his/her messages to the wrong address  - d'oh! -  and made a real Carnival, telling everybody (s)he was being "censured" on this list, hahaha!!  #palmface  #slowww  ;D 

Riad had much patience and you too.  Thank you both for keeping the list working well!  <3

Now my filters will return to the usual configuration, my dear.  No more Yawwn Zzzzz messages in my inbox and I will take a nap.  (- _ -)zzzz

Tender kisses and hugs.  Take care, be happy and thank you again!  <3

Ceci, la la la...  :D