On Wed, 3 Jul 2019 12:05:44 -0400 Steve Kinney <admin@pilobilus.net> wrote:
On 7/2/19 7:30 PM, Punk wrote:
so let me put it another way. I knew that page for years and I knew it was a 'legitimate' page by wikimierda's own 'standards' - that's why it was there for ~7 years.
So I thought it would be easy to show that wikipedia had a particular page for 7 years and then deleted it out of the blue. I was pretty surprised when I found out that there no references to that page in archive.org-NSA-GCHQ. Whatever previous snapshots archive.org.NSA.GCHQ had, they went down the memory hole.
Notice how the only way to find out about details regarding the operation of wikimierda-NSA, archive.org-NSA, tor-NSA and all the rest of cyberwarfare projects that americunts produce is by having a HUMAN looking at them. Automation here is meaningless.
ps: notice how the worthless piece of fascist shit shawn quinn explcitly rewrites my messages. Infinite self parody.
I could not help noticing the belligerent, authoritarian tone of that Punk's commentary.
Did you read and understand what I said about archive.org-NSA? Do you have any meaningful comment on that? How do you explain the fact that archive.org is missing all snapshots for an old article while they store tons of other random garbage? I'll deal with the rest of your nonsense in a separate message.