Hello, gays. This message specially so abstract, because send to the “space”, to collective mind.

I think about this long time and now have description for all details in this subject.

What’s about.

We all know that this world with actually gov’s is absolutely crazy and authority. All what we can touch around unfairly arranged.

In the center of all contemporary finance system. And manipulations with money emission is the key for understanding what’s happening, what is the essence. Than you look for example in Venezuela situation now – it is absolutely government incompetence. Inflation about 1700000% per year. But they are want more money for their incompetence working, if they will start new world war, and we are all will die everyday, they will want money more! But never come out and say, sorry we screwed up. Never. Because all profit witch has every government in the world is – to create “troubles” for get our money to decide this “troubles”.

Few years ago fancy geeks, witch love freedom (i think so, but maybe mistake), created new money Bitcoin and other types of crypto-currencies.

But this idea was collapsed, because “money first”, because in this clear idea was chance for quickly grow real money. But finance system based on dollar – not is the territory of freedom it is territory of gov’s, with their rules. Need to create another rules. Great crypto idea was killed by greed. But it is not the reason to cry, it was excellent experience and skills.

What I’m create. New money system for all the world. Absolutely disconnected from gov’s money dollar based finance model. I believe, it will be heart of new movement, new world without governments and politicans at all ever.

It is global project I named “Free token” system.

Now it is just idea, like OS with open code, and every-body(mind), can connect, and start to do something for realization.

In short.

Need to create free app for all mobile devices based at all popular OS.

New user download “token free app”, directly accept identify with personal biometry (for protection from second and other registrations and manipulations). Than you star to use app all user will have equal start conditions – it is his personal cost with 1000 000 tokens (personal currency in system) 1st “red” level of tokens. For understandable how much it is – it is equal GDP per person for your country. For example, 20000$ equivalent. It is just start 1st level of your token cost in system. People are different and with your social interaction your token status will grow or go down. It is like personal ICO, why – because all what we see in the world are people build, and most important thing for understanding – that people is capital only, but nothing more (but it is lyric, go forward).

Rules of new system:

Every account at start 1000000 tokens start capital. It is 1st level of cost (starter). Level will grow up to 2nd yellow (it is mean that you tokens will grow up to*1,5), 3rd orange (*1,5 again), 4th (green) and next – up to maximum. Transition to the next level – than you have +balans – your tokens+payments from counteragents in summary more than your Level 1000 000*2, you automatically transition to level next – your tokens change color to the next level and in all transactions (witch was time before too).

What dues it mean – ordinary user, if use his tokens correctly, not fraud, nod grabber, just doing something useful for other people in his life his cost in system will grow with years it is objective. You pay only for what you really want, if someone want to fraud, always you know, you can cancel fraud transaction, and he know too.

Protection from fraud and marginal using social service. Exactly many people want to have all, but do not want to do something. This man accept registration in “token free” and want to use free start deposit, just spend 1000 000 red level tokens. It is impossible. Because with grow up level system we can include degradation system of levels too. If user start, and just spend his deposit, have no incoming transactions, his tokens will have marked (“Attention, this user have only 80% of red deposit, maybe better to introduce him some job?”) Next level – form 80% to 50% (First attention) 50%-30% (fraud attention mark.) 30% - 0% (stop out transactions without incoming transaction, this user need social help) – it is social help function include in token free algorithm.


Every user need to start payments with tokens in his nearest cycle, with neighbors, friends etc.

You can use tokens only inside system. Not transfer to fiat. It is most important part. Instant - every transaction token to dollar (every real money) if will identified, will cancelled. Only to ways to transfer money to tokens it is convert dollars to goods or infrastructure for users (and accept tokens for this) or donat dollars for miners how provide transactions and keep data storage.


Protection: every transaction must be accepted with personal biometric signature аnd if robbery or fraud is detected, the transaction may be canceled. It is job for online-society to justice these conflict situations.

Exactly every government in the world do not want too see something like this in real life. Because gov services have not place in new world. What can to do. For starters best idea - to distribute app, you maybe jailbreaks devices upload app, maybe connect with specially jailbreaked device for start tokens from his deposits this payment cannot to be more than 3% from red level tokens (30 000 red tokens maximum). But all important decisions need to conference online in society. Exactly – 1st the rule – No one IT company can not to be monopoly holder of this system transactions must be based on blockchain technology, open code and free connection.


Thank you for attention, sorry for so many words)) But I have more details about my idea, witch can not be including at this format. If someone have to say something glad to listen.