On 05/24/2017 12:13 PM, grarpamp wrote:
http://uj3wazyk5u4hnvtk.onion/search/roger-moore/0/99/0 http://uj3wazyk5u4hnvtk.onion/search/james-bond/0/99/100 http://uj3wazyk5u4hnvtk.onion/search/james-bond/0/99/200 https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/6cukxy https://www.reddit.com/r/JamesBond/ https://twitter.com/sirrogermoore/status/867005447018086400 http://cdn23.us1.fansshare.com/photos/rogermoore/roger-moore-1782755350.jpg
Nobody does it better Makes me feel sad for the rest Nobody does it half as good as you Baby, you're the best
The very last Jame Bond movie I watched was 1st run of Thunderball. It was so fucking fake and not even in the same reality as Fleming's book I simply lost interest. Goldfinger wasn't much better. Enjoy your fantasies... because that's all they are. Hollyweird fantasies that have less-than-zero relation to reality, or the books they allegedly originate from. Rr Ps. I wouldn't suppose a single one of you has ever actually read one of Fleming's books.