Me: "Jake was taxing them about flawed protocol? Really!"
The other: "No, no directly - he was saying that protocol hardening is what as needed, but the USG funders want browser improvements. UX over substance.
22:30 < mikeperry> I have no doubt that the CIA would find Tor useful, and its funding would not comrpromise us, but as I said then, the optics would be so bad that the et improvement to Tor from such funding would not be worth the bad PR 22:31 < ioerror> mikeperry: Funding does compromise us 22:31 < ioerror> I am clear on that now. 22:31 < ioerror> Tor is compromised. 22:31 < ioerror> When we are paid to work on a browser rather than anonymity improvements of Tor HS, we are co-opted 22:31 < ioerror> It is a faustian pact 22:32 < ioerror> When we set the road map and found funders to fund us, it was different 22:32 < ioerror> we haven't done that for a long time 22:32 < ioerror> The money has corrupted us 22:32 < ioerror> And now, we're hoping for influence Full chat log: https://archive.is/2geXW