Dated from 1988 the crypto wars - really one long continuous war - has now passed 30 years war status and could be heading toward 100 year war levels. Even global thermonuclear cyberwar. Cypherpunk 2027 aims to put a stop to that! Its a bit like the Cold War. Sometimes the best way to end these sorts of war is to win them. So let it be with this foolish prohibition against first use of crypto munitions. Pax Americana got us this far but can no longer serve any useful purpose. As the leopard sagely observed sometimes things have to change in order to stay the same. Even the dimmest, darkest places on earth - like El Salvador - are finally twigging to the new post-US reality. No longer one tyrant a thousand miles away. Some anarchs claim No War But Class War. They may as well be Marxists now we can finally outlaw all war via our internet power. Kellog Briand had the right idea only lacking the munitions muscle to back it up. If you value peace then renounce your religion and national identity. That way we'll know if you're fit for uploading or not. No more indescribable gibberish as cult. No more US centric puke from FOX news. War is over if you want it.