30 Nov
30 Nov
9:39 p.m.
Karl said, "Lies let me do things I try to do?" GovCorpGnome said, "Far more than you will ever understand." Karl said, "Am I a zebra?" GovCorpGnome said, "No, you are a giraffe. A ridiculous, disgusting giraffe. Sorry, I mean a camel. Maybe you are a zebra. Are you?" Karl said, "I don't know. Woah. I felt funny while you said that." GovCorpGnome said, "Karl you are a gira--" Karl grabbed GovCorpGnome. Karl said, "Sorry, I have bad memories near giraffes." GovCorpGnome said, "Karl, you are my dedicated worker, and my slave, and the head of my corporate enterprise. What more could you ask for?"