As a newcomer to the list, I'm not crazy about the personalization going on here, either, but let's not take sides. I'm not crazy about having had an excerpt of my blog post cherry-picked and mischaracterized for the sake of settling some score in some conflict that doesn't even involve me.

If you guys can't keep it offline -- surely everyone's preference, right? --  at least leave other people, and their blog posts, out of it, k?

On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 2:59 PM, Steve Furlong <> wrote:
On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 7:28 PM, coderman <> wrote:
(who is a jerk for speaking ill of Jacob, i do admit!)
Without getting to the personalities or facts of this case, concerning which I know nothing, I object to this statement at bottom of coderman's message.
If people are dumbasses or liars and you don't call them on it, they'll not only continue to be dumbasses or liars (which is their own business) but they'll continue to inflict themselves on other people. These innocent bystanders might not have any warning about the nature of the dumbass or liar and might thereby be harmed by them.
As a fine, upstanding member of civil society, it is your *duty* to publicly call dumbasses dumbasses and liars liars. It's for the benefit of us all. Thank you in advance.
Or, you know, just kill them all. As per my tagline.

Neca eos omnes. Deus suos agnoscet. -- Arnaud-Amaury, 1209