The anti-male ‘sexquisition’ is ripping western society apart http://redpilltimes.com/anti-male-sexquisition-ripping-western-society-apart... http://www.unz.com/ishamir/sexquisition/ (The Unz Review) – A burly unattractive woman in her late fifties or sixties, dyed hair, pearl laces around wrinkled neck, tearfully relating a story of unwanted sexual attention that maybe occurred many years ago, presents a most embarrassing sight. Perhaps once Beverly Young Nelson was young and pretty, and could awake passion in a man’s loins, but that was long time ago. And still this awkward creature effectively had stopped the suspect, Roy Moore from Alabama, from winning an election. If this old crow were to claim she loaned Moore a hundred dollars thirty years ago and demanded it back with accrued interest, she would be laughed out of court. Where was she until now, where is the proof, people would say. Why nobody asks this question now, when the political career of the man is at stake? How could it be that a few unsubstantiated claims can ruin a man? Moreover, this person has a name and a face, if an ugly one, but in many cases, the accuser remains anonymous, hidden by a letter, while the accused has a name, and a face, and often he had a job until this accusation. Only the Inquisition had similar features, with anonymous sources and obscure charges. Now we have sexquisition. Is it a purely American phenomenon? A payback for Salem, where a similar spasm of mass paranoia caused a small New England town to hang some twenty women accused of witchcraft? In Salem, men hunted witches; just three hundred years passed, and now witches hunt men. Alas, no, it is a world-wide epidemic. …