Politics, propaganda, sleezy media, German guilt complex, and the need for people to exercise their right to have a say in every part of every law they are called upon to obey, is all highlighted in this grotesque example of the shameless main stream media in today's Germany: Swedes Wrangle Over Gang Rape Against Wheelchair-Bound Woman https://sputniknews.com/art_living/201610171046413233-sweden-gotland-rape-pr... The notorious gang rape in Visby, Gotland, in which a wheelchair-bound lady in her thirties was raped by people with "non-Swedish" appearance, led to some islanders declaring their interest in multicultural development over. As the five men initially arrested for the crime were set free later, indignation among angry locals has risen even higher. So some of the locals have finally declared they are no longer interested in multi culti crapola? Wonders never cease. But in reality, it seems a lot more crimes against their women is required before folks really stop tacitly consenting - by acting, in their own interests, rather than tacitly going along with what is supposed to be good for the world. What's another gang-raped wheelchair-bound woman between guilt programmed Germans anyway? I mean, Whites are Terrorists by definition as everybody knows? Surely we cannot be allowed to live wholesome lives in accordance with our own individual morals and principles now? Nah, likely never happen... 'Cause we got ta be tolerant, inclusive, submissive, compliant with the statutes, understanding that our rulers know best and all humans, and all religions, are equal and free. Rainbow unicorns will save the world.