I wrote this in 2012: https://gun.io/blog/secure-your-domain-where-is-safe-to-register-a-domain-na... Maybe not quite what you're after, but perhaps it could give you something to work with. R On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 3:54 PM, Douglas Lucas <dal@riseup.net> wrote:
On 10/01/2014 01:57 PM, rysiek wrote:
Dnia poniedziałek, 29 września 2014 09:08:48 Douglas Lucas pisze:
I have a historical question. In 2007, anywhere from January to September, what TLDs were regarded as the most pirate-friendly or journalism-friendly or safest from takedowns of whatever stripe, e.g. the sort of DHS DMCA takedowns we have now, etc.?
Might I enquire what could possibly the reason to ask such a question?
I am writing a short story. There is a scene set in 2007, roughly October. Two characters disagree on what TLD to get to provide material to others. One wants a .com to sell the stuff. The other wants the most non-capitalist, pro-freedom TLD possible. The difference characterizes the two individuals.
For credibility: I attended @ClarionWest Writers Workshop in 2008, which is for writers of science fiction and fantasy. (To verify: The Workshop follows me, @DouglasLucas, on Twitter, and I wrote a series of blog posts about my six weeks there http://www.douglaslucas.com/blog/tag/clarion-west-2008/ I'm including more and more cyberpunk/cypherpunk elements in my fiction. Probably because my life has been altered over the course of getting more into FLOSS and writing journalism pieces as part of an investigative partnership with WikiLeaks, as you can see here: http://douglaslucas.com/nonfiction