To our "Western" ears, this might sound like a eugenecist or some Nazty throwback (which of course would sound rather ironic to just about any Russian, even today :) ** Sensible Politician Urges Russian Women to Procreate Only With White Men ------------------------------------------------------------ by Hewitt E. Moore Affirmative Right (2,074 views) on Tue, Jun 26, 2018 The 2018 World Cup is being held in Russia, which will result in thousands of foreign tourists. One Russian lawmaker, who concedes the female propensity for promiscuity with foreigners, has offered some sound advice for Russian women: Tamara Pletnyova, head of the lower house of parliament’s Family, Women and Children Committee, warned Russians against having sex with foreign visitors during a radio appearance on Wednesday. More specifically, she warned Russian woman against getting pregnant by visitors, hearkening back to the 1980 Moscow Olympics. …Kudos to Pletnyova for using her position of power to be candid with Russian women. Unlike politicians in the West, who would never say anything of the sort, for fear of being called a name. Because in the West, discouraging White women from having children with non-White men (even out of wedlock) would be racist. And in the wicked West, nothing is worse than being labeled a racist. ** Australian TV Runs Fair and Accurate 30 Minute Report on Pro-Christian, Pro-Family Russia ------------------------------------------------------------ by Russian Faith (688 views) on Tue, Jun 26, 2018 This article originally appeared on a new site about the Christian renaissance in Russia, called Russian Faith. Their introductory video is at end of this article. We always find how Western media deals with the Christian revival in Russia fascinating – and, frankly, too often infuriating.