A report released in April by real estate data aggregator ATTOM has bestowed Chicago with a dubious honor. Amid a national surge in residential foreclosure rates, Chicagoans are currently losing their homes in greater numbers than in any other metro area in the country. “A total of 50,759 U.S. properties started the foreclosure process in Q1 2022, up 67% from the previous quarter and up 188% from a year ago,” the report stated, with Chicago alone seeing over 3,000 foreclosures in the first three months of the year. Govt print $Trillions fake money, banksters issue subprime in part to appease rather Democrat social policies and maintain Democrat-Bank cozy election donor relationship thanks HUD back, Democrat city dwellers buy the subsidized and ARM houses advert, Dem-Biden's agent Powell gets called into White House to kill rampant inflation so Dems can fraud win 2022/2024, money dries up, rates pop, dwellers get robbed of equity in foreclosure plunder, politicians and cronies stock portfolios win. "I've got the biggest dick in Chicago! -- Chicago's Lesbian Democrat Mayor"