The hacker sat in front of the cyborg agent. "You say your neural augmentations have cybermeasles?" "Uvjwn duwn aicjf nrm. Vpb?" "They ... just made you sound out words as if somebody had smashed a keyboard, didn't they." "Yvkfnd!" "Okay, this is a big job, but anything can be hacked." The hacker connected a jtag cable to the cyborg agent's cortex, in any old place. "Nmblf cfn awndjfi?" "Try not to move or speak, please." The hacker launched their debugger.
Scanning ...
The cyborg agent's muscles twitched and convulsed as different parts of their brain and augmentations were enumerated. A leg kicked hard, then their tongue stuck out, then they contorted their body into a funny shape, then they suddenly began clearly reciting every license plate number they had ever seen ...
Integer overflow enumerating devices.
"Yrbvownjdurhkg?????" "You'll be fine. Don't worry." The hacker opened up the source code to their debugger and altered the device enumeration structure to use a 64 bit counter.
Scanning ... ^C ] preload neural_crashdump.extracted 84361572102 devices or cells enumerated ] break 1-42000000
The left half of the cyborg's body went almost completely limp. They slumped a bit in their seat, half of their mouth hung open, their left eye started drooping downward. But their left eyebrow started dancing wildly, rapidly, and diversely. "Mrnmphbrmnrp?" "I'm ... not sure. Can you raise your right arm for me?" The cyborg agent raised their right arm. Their left eyebrow contracted into a frown in synchrony.
thread 47561892 bt